Jul 26, 2022

Falsifying the History of Women

The falsification of women's ancient history resulted in the present's completely false knowledge of antiquity

Many professors of ancient Near Eastern studies are excited about their high positions and publications, and do not want to recognize that they are committing a crime. Their work is a very serious crime against humanity.

For example, the current horrible situation of women in the world is a result of the falsification of the ancient history of women by universities departments of ancient studies.

Yet another result, Salman Rushdie's event occurs when Šátán (fortunate, happiness) is transformed into the Satan (devil). See this link Explained in detail  

Here I present two fragments of matriarchal legislation in cuneiform inscription that by German and British ancient studies departments was incorrectly called (pseudo) Assyrian-Babylonian, when they are in fact Kurdish.

Texts have been falsified, associated with the fake Bible story of Jews being exiled to Babylon, and the name of the woman has been omitted.

Compare the decipherment of the establishment with mine, which is clear and controllable.

Fragment One: Nebuchadnezzar Inscription IV

Lambert 1965, transliteration: amēlu eli amēli nirtú iddima la uktiin

Translation: (A man charged (another) man with murder, but did not prove it.)

 Berai, transliteration: din muh din-ner át bašar-yak-di wá as-qet ugati žen

Translation: (Law month law-establisher oath of equal-humanity vision must be covenant-esse awareness of the woman). 

Fragment Two: Cyrus Cylinder

Schaudig 2001, transliteration: ina uggatiša úšeribi ana qéreb šuanna ki d amar.utu t[iizqaru d en.líl dingir m] ussaaḫra ana napḫar daádmi ša inna-dáú šubatsuun

Translation: angry that he had brought them to Babylon. Marduk, the ex[alted, the lord of the gods], turned towards all the habitations that were abandoned and.

Berai, transliteration: ina uggati qet-átu 40-ri biánaki kaĺín šu íĺnaki íĺ sar-átti [……] jígá-yakírah ráána nab Hur dáádmí qet-át žen nadáu šu bé qet-yakun

Translation: This is awareness oaths-covenant of 40-setting announcement principle tribally king tribe mainly-oath […….] the equal-status of advisement prophecy of Abraham judicial is the oath-covenant of woman. The justice of king will give equality-covenant.

Detailed cuneiform explanation, Fragment One: Nebuchadnezzar Inscription IV

Detailed cuneiform explanation, Fragment Two: Cyrus Cylinder

Answer to a logical question

Are all those ancient Near Eastern scientists wrong, and you are the only one in this world who is right?
Yes, that is absolutely true, though it sounds illogical.
Illogical, because the question asked is too simplistic for this complicated subject.

The great experts in this field have not said the last word on the matter, among others Robert William Rogers, George Glenn Cameron, James Mellaart, John Anthony Brinkman, Walther Hinz, Rykle Borger, Marie-Joseph Steve, and the present Richard Dumbrill, Matthew Stolper, Hartmut Kühne, Hanspeter Schaudig, Andrew George, Daniel Potts, among others, There is no properly adopted information available about ancient texts to the experts.
Experts in ancient Near Eastern studies at the establishment are not native speakers of the inscriptions, and they are not familiar with the Kurdish. The Kurdish languages are yet unknown to the academic world.

The proper specialists should know that, because of the establishment's inconsistency, contradictions and absurd interpretations.
All those scientists for the interpretation of archaeological materials and decipherment of cuneiform and the ancient biblical texts, they follow the one same establishment sample and accepted etymology that they have traditionally been taught. Their established system is false.

© Hamiit Qliji Berai, July 26, 2022

See the next part  here or on the LinkedIn

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