Feb 1, 2025



To exhaust and demoralize the Kurds from their fight for survival, they keep them occupied with fruitless activities.

The Kurds, instead of begging for peace and goodwill from Turkey and MÚCA-XWÁRDEN from Iraq, should be aware of the rights of the Kurds and reclaim the Kurdish historical heritages and ancient social role. The documents that serve as a memory of this heritage must be protected.

The establishment is executing the Romans goals of extermination and eradication of Kurds by substituting Kurdish through the persistent study program in the western universities, the Middle Eastern Studies "Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Languages and Cultures".

Substituting the Kurdish Šám through Syria and eradicating any reference to the Kurds

By replacing the Kurdish Šám with Syria and removing any mention of the Kurds from historical records, the establishment is carrying out the Romans' intentions to destroy and eradicate Kurds and Kurdish existence. 

With the backing of the international powers that replaced Kurdish Šám, Šum with Syria, the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of all types and times, should enable the Kurds and women to reclaim their historical heritages and their ancient social roles. The heritage of humanity also encompasses natural heritage.

Restoring Our Authentic Nature

In the ancient documents, there is NO TRACE of Syria, nor Assyria.

The so-called "Assyrian and Babylonian" letters of ca. 5000 years ago contain only references to Kurdish legal ethics.

Restoring Our Authentic Nature

In the ancient documents, there is NO TRACE of Syria, nor Assyria.

The so-called "Assyrian and Babylonian" Letters contain only references to Kurdish legal ethics.

For instance, the Kouyunjik collections of the British Museum, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters, Harper 1892-1902, Cuneiform Scripts. Kouyunjik (K.) is Nineveh. Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire (RCAE), By Leroy Waterman 1930-1936, Transliteration and Translation, Parts I and II, 1930; Part III, 1931; Part IV, 1936.

Compare the establishment's (Waterman) decipherments with that of mine (Berai).

Waterman, Letter 90 K.594 Obverse 6-10: 

ina muḫḫi tuppi  adie šá m Kurdii šá šarru béli íšpurni ina arḫi šá araḫ Abi amél ridú kati 

(of which the king my lord has written, on the new moon(?) the servant of the over- of the month Ab seer of the palace come.)

Berai, Letter 90 K.594 Obverse 6-10: 

asmah túp át-asá šu-pá duk šu yak Kurdií šu šárrú ádiiž 30-šání asiti šuiti ám pé lúwš qutí 

(The essential globe's oath principle of the basis of government of the mother must be the king of one Kurdish royal chancellor ministry, as well as its 30 kings humanistic essence of happiness; its content must be determined.) 

Waterman, L. 429 (K. Rm. 69): 

ša ištu bit Ašuriḫliḳuni ina ḳátá m Ḳurdi nergal amél pur-kul it-ta-mar 

( which disappeared from the temple of Ashur has been seen in the possession of Kurdi-Nergal, the sculptor. At this moment the)

Berai, L. 429 (K. Rm. 69): 
šádu bét asas šá záuáuni as Šumín yak Kurdiukur lú 30-šá guĺít yak dá már 
(Happiness motto gave birth to the king's essence, Šum's principle, the unifier of the Kurdish content of the 30 kings' call must be one matriarchal justice.)
The establishment has falsely shown the cuneiformasas-šá (king's essence) as the Ashur reference to Assyrian. In the authentic ancient texts, there is no trace of Assyrian or Syrian.

This (L. 429 (K. Rm. 69). Obv.7) is a confirmation of the fact that šá (king) regards šátu, šádu (happiness, happiness followers, and  šái (kingship) also means happiness, as it is well-known in Kurdish. To foment hatred against the Kurds, commit genocide, and destroy Kurdish existence, the Romans changed the names of the šátu, šádu also šádán, šátán to Satan (the devil) and referred to the Kurds as Satan worshipers. The policies of genocide, falsehood, and Aryanization hysteria of Roman colonial fascism are being practiced in government academic, educational, and cultural policies as well as in the founding of departments dedicated to ancient studies. See the next part ...  

Saturday, February 01, 2025. This article is part of a chapter in the book "Bible Discovered", which has not yet been published, and all rights are reserved. © Hamiit Qliji Berai 

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