Hamíit Qliji Bérai
E-mail: hqberai@gmail.com
I studied multidisciplinary social
sciences independently from 1979 - 1990, when, because of the Islamization of
the education system, the universities were closed in Iran for four years (1979
– 1983).
In the Netherlands, I followed different Dutch language, PC-programs, and administration courses at the Delft University of Technology (1990 - 1994).
Research field: Ancient Near
Eastern, Eastern Mediterranean, and Southern Black Sea region civilizations
from the earliest times until the rise of Islam.
Interdisciplinary comparative
research in archaeology, cultural stratigraphy, epigraphy, philology,
philosophy, ethnography, and the Bible
I researched continuously archaeological sources
all over the different universities.
Cuneiform Epigraphy |
2011 -
present |
British Museum, London University and the British
Library in London |
2010-2012 |
University of Chicago |
2007-2009 |
University of Cambridge |
2006-2007 |
University of Oxford |
2004-2005 |
University of Leiden |
1994-2003 |
1 |
Comparative Cuneiform
Epigraphy List of Cuneiform Inscription Records that I have completely re-deciphered
and compared with those of the universities’ establishment |
1,1 |
BM 36304 Darius III and Alexander the Great and Babylonian
Scholarship by van der Spek text 3, 2003: 301-310. Glassner, J.-J. 1993:
205-207, March
2023 |
1.2 |
BM 41080 Obverse: Chronicle Alexander and Arabia by van
der Spek Text 4, 2003: 310-311, March 2023 |
1.3 |
Inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar
(Nabû-kudurrī-uṣur), 21/08/2021 – 29/01/202 |
1.3.1 |
Nebuchadnezzar Inscription I. (Ueber einen
Nebukadnezarcylinder des Berliner museums, von Hugo Winckler, ZA Bd I, 1886:
337-348; and Rogers 1912 p.368. |
1.3.2 |
Nebuchadnezzar Inscription
II. (Eine unedirte Nebukadnezarinschrift ZA Bd I, 1886:39-44 von Carl Bezold. |
1.3.3 |
Nebuchadnezzar Inscription III. O’Conor 1885
Cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar at New York (Figure 2, Cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar
II (604-562 BC), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, by O’Conor 1885 (one
column of 100 lines. |
1.3.4 |
Nebuchadnezzar Inscription IV. Cuneiform Text BM
45690 Plate XLI-XLV No. 45. Lambert 1965, Nebuchadnezzar King of Justice. V
Columns. |
1.4 |
Inscriptions of Nabonidus King of Babylon.
Nabonidus King of Babylon (555-539 BC) Manuscript about 500 pages, 11
Chapters, 26/09/2020 – 30/12/2021 |
1.4.1 |
Ezida Cylinder. Hanspeter Schaudig 2001,
page 755, Keilschriftkopien Ezida-Zylinder Two columns, Col.I 27 lines, Col.II
28 lines. Page 395-397 |
1.4.2 |
Die Inschriften Nabonids
Thoncylinder aus Ur |
1.4.3 |
Stamped brick inscription of Nabonidus, 1 R 68
Nr.2. Schaudig 2001 pp. 336-7 (1.4a Ziegel,
Ziegel, gestempelt (Ex. 3: auf der Schmalseite), (kopie: 1 R 68 Nr.2;
Koldewey WEB4 79 Abb. 51H). |
1.4.4 |
Stamped brick inscription of Nabonidus, Koldewey
1925:79 Abb: 51H. Nabonaids (H). (Koldewey Königsburgen I 32 mit
Übersetzung. See Schaudig 2001, XXVIII B. Literaturabkürzungen). Schaudig
2001, 336-7 1.4a. Ziegel. |
1.4.5 |
Stamped brick inscription of Nabonidus, 1 R 68
Nr.4. Schaudig 2001 337, 1.5a. Ziegel: Lit.:
Beaulieu Nabonidus 31f lnscription 12. 1 R 68 Nr.4 Brick from the Temple of the Sun at
Senkerch |
1.4.6 |
Stamped brick inscription of Nabonidus, 1 R 68
Nr.6. Schaudig 2001 p.339 (1.6a Ziegel)
Kopie: 1 R 68 Nr.6 (br. 510, 128, 426); UET 1 Tf. 47 Nr.189. Archaeologica 70, 1920, 125 Fig. 13. |
1.4.7 |
Stamped brick inscription of Nabonidus.
Inscription 19. UET 1 Tf 47. UET 1 Tf 47 Nr.186, 187, 188, 189 (9 lines)
Beaulieu Nabonidus 37f lnscription 19. UET = Ur Excavations: Texts
(London 1928ff). Ur Excavations Texts I Royal Inscriptions by C. J. Gadd. |
1.4.8 |
Stamped brick inscription of Nabonidus, 1 R 68
Nr.5. Schaudig 2001 p.340-341 (1.7a Ziegel). |
1.4.9 |
Stamped brick inscription
of Nabonidus. 1 R 68 Nr.7. Schaudig
2001 p.341-342 (1.8a Ziegel) [kopie:
(1) 1 R 68 Nr.7 (br. 511, 508, 519; (2) UET 1 Tf 47 Nr.186; (3). |
1.4.10 |
Inscription of Nabonidus in Ashmolean Museum
(W-B.5). Cylinder of Nabonidus from the ruins of Ebarra. Clay, baked; preserved
in the Ashmolean Museum, AN1922-201, Oxford. Schaudig 2001
Pp.440-445. Langdon 1923, OECI I Cylinder of Nabonidus pp.
32-37; (W-B.5 Pls.23-28) 3 Columns Col.I.60 Lines. Col.II.61 Lines.
Col.III.61 Lines. |
1.4.11 |
Inscription of Nabonidus Clay Cylinder from
Sippar, Berlin V R 64. Nabuna'id 555-539 BC.
Inschriften 1 R 68/69. V R 63-65 in Berliner Museum Duplicat von V R 64.
Thoncylinder aus Sippar. Cuneiform: Abel-Winckler 1890 p.43. (Berlin V R 64.) III Columns, Col.I.
49 Lines, Col.II. 66 Lines, Col.III. 55 Lines. Transliteration and
Translation: Schaudig 2001. Langdon 1912 NBK, 218-229 Nbd Nr.1. |
1.5 |
The Cyrus Cylinder (BM 90920) Irving Finkel
2013; Theophilus Goldridge Pinches, 5 R No 35 44;
Ludwig Abel and Hugo Winckler (1890) Keilschrifttexte zum Gebrauch bei
Vorlesungen, January
2020 |
1.6 |
Seal impressions of Cyrus. The Archaeology of
Elam, Daniel Potts 1999 (Figure 9.10 Composite drawing of the seal of Kurash,
June 2020 |
1.7 |
The Annals of Tiglath-pileser III. Annals of
Tiglath-pileser III (ND. 400) BM Fragment, Wiseman 1951
(Dür-tukulti-apal-ešarra), August 2019 |
1.8 |
Inscriptions Kudurru / Inscription du domaine de
Ninā Hilprecht 1896, plates. 30-31, text 83 (cuneiform text obverse 22
lines, reverse 24 lines). Hilprecht
1894, pages 10-19 (transliteration). Oppert 1893 in ZA:366-368 Inscription du
domaine de Ninā (transliteration). Inscriptions
Kudurru also known as Babylonian Boundary
Stones), January 2017 |
1.9 |
Bronzes inscriptions du Luristan
(Bronze inscriptions from Luŕsu) Bronzes inscriptions du Luristan de la
collection Foroughi by Georges Dossin 1962, Iranica Antiqua 2, 1962, November 2016 |
1.10 |
Ur-Nammu, Ur-Engur Inscriptions The inscriptions
of Canephoric statuettes of bronze, preserved in the Louvre, Berlin, New
York, and British Museums, August 2016 |
1.11 |
Ein Bruchstück der Bisutun
Inschrift (A Fragment of the Bísetūn inscription, BE 3627) Weissbach
Babylonische Miscellen WVDOG 4 (1903), July 2016 |
1.12 |
References to
Kurds in the Kouyunjik Collections of the British Museum's so-called
"Assyrian and Babylonian" letters Harper
1892-1902, Cuneiform Scripts. Kouyunjik (K.) is Nineveh. Correspondence of
the Assyrian Empire (RCAE), By Leroy Waterman 1930-1936, Transliteration and
Translation, Parts I and II, 1930; Part III, 1931; Part IV, 1936. |
1.12.1 |
L. 90 (K. 594)
Harper 1892, Part I, p. 81. Waterman 1930, Part I, p.60. |
1.12.2 |
L. 633 (K. 1366) Harper 1902, Part
VI, p. 684-5. Waterman
1930, Part I, p.440-441, |
1.12.3 |
L. 593 (K. 1117) Harper
1902, p.644, Part VI. Waterman 1930,
Part I, p. 418-419. |
1.12.4 |
L. 429 (Rm. 69) Harper 1896 Part
IV, p.453. Waterman 1930, Part I, p. 296--299, (K.
Rm. 69) |
The publication
of these books was interrupted due to ongoing research.
1 |
The Arch Enemy of Nature and Humanity "How
Nature and Humanity Became the Arch Enemy to the by Romans adopted Jewish,
Christianity and Islam", November 2018 |
2 |
Cultural Stratigraphy, Maternal Fertility “Stratigraphic, Linguistic,
Historical and DNA Evidences”, November 2013 |
3 |
Bible Discovered "Bible = Babel
(Babylon)", October 2011 |
1 |
The Secret Divinity of the Nights (Seŕe Diwáne Šauwán),
English-Kurdish, August 2007 |
2 |
The Moment (Sarbaraí Dawrán) Future of the Near
& Middle East, Oil Politics and the Kurds, English-Kurdish, November 2006 |
3 |
The Mother of Cultures Neglecting and the
Netherlands Universities. Ancient history and civilization of the Kurdish
people, English-Kurdish, April 2005 |
4 |
How Old are the Kurds? (Cani Piren Kurdan?), English-Kurdish,
September 2003 |
5 |
De verzwegen Oud Kurdische Historie Weer Boeven
Tafel: Het Elamitisch, de nieuwe verklaring, in Dutch, January 2002 |
Book ReviewBIBLE DISCOVERED: BIBLE = BABEL (BABYLON) Reviewed by Mark G. McLaughlin, December 20, 2011 Press ReleasesAuthor seeks to correct contemporary accepted
interpretations, etymologies of ancient Near East history, November 3, 2011 Education ViewsAn Interview with Hamiit Qliji Berai: Bible
Discovered By Michael Shaughnessy Education Views Senior Columniston in Daily,
Editor's Pick, Society, June 6, 2012 LANGUAGE
Kurdish (native), English, Dutch,
Farsi. In reading: German, Arabic, Turkish. |