Jun 6, 2012

Educations Views: An Interview with Hamiit Qliji Berai: Bible Discovered


By Michael Shaughnessy EducationViews Senior Columniston June 6, 2012 in Daily, Editor's Pick, Society

Michael F. Shaughnessy -

1) First of all, tell us about yourself, where you were born, and where you are currently working and what you are researching.

I was born on July 26, 1960, in Béra, Ilam province, Eastern Kurdsán. That is the archaeological site Béra.xáni “Béra dukedom” (the Farsi Badreh). From 1990, I have been of Dutch (Netherlands) nationality, a citizen of The Hague.

Since 1994, I have dedicated my whole time to independently researching the ancient Near East archaeological sources for early culture, history and ethnography of the mankind, all over the world in different universities including the University of Leiden Netherlands, the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, the University of Chicago, British Museum, London University and the British Library in London.

Michael F. Shaughnessy, Eastern New Mexico University Portales, New Mexico is currently Professor in Educational Studies and is a Consulting Editor for Gifted Education International and Educational Psychology Review. In addition, he writes for EducationViews.org and the International Journal of Theory and Research in Education.


Those are texts from ca. 4000 BC, traces of human civilization and objects from millions years ago, excavated in the Kurdish regions. I take a different approach, a multidisciplinary scientific approach from the perspective Kurdish oral traditions, consist of myriad languages, literature, names etc. of the sites where the ancient sources come from. My research has led to an adequate understanding of the ancient sources, which shows the world of the ancient Near East in a completely different way than some know it to be now.

2) Now, tell us about this book “Bible Discovered” – when did you decide to write it and why?

In 2009, I decided to prepare the publication of the discovery of the Bible part. Because of the huge amount of linguistically, historically and anthropologically innovation subjects, I had to limit the title. The Bible Discovered is a result of the development of my research. Further deepening and expanding of my statements in the Berai 2002, Het Elamitisch de nieuwe verklaring and Berai 2003, Hoe oud zijn de Kurden (in Duth), see the books on http://hqberai.blogspot.com/p/author-books-store.html

3) Are you focusing on the Old or New Testament?

The Bible was not the intention of my research but in the course of the search I realized and for the first time, concrete traces of many of the Old Testament stories in the archaeological texts and identified the biblical roots, figures, terms and also some Christian traditions and symbols of the New Testament in the archaeological sources.

4) Are you examining the Bible from a literature perspective, or an archeological perspective?

From the archaeological perspective, I made connection between some of the biblical tales with archaeological evidences, which provide the scientific legitimacy for the biblical accounts.

5) Why study social systems in the Bible- what relevance are they?

The patriarchally terms in the Bible and the Kurdish language are controllable facts, accordingly to justify that by the modern scholars identified determinatives for identification of names of the Gods, countries and cities are false.

Consequently, the contemporary accepted ancient Near East gods names are false, they cannot stand. The ancient “dinger, dinker, il, ila, ili, ilu, nap, nab” which are identified as determinative before divine names, in accordance with examination of these terms in the contexts, they are not determinatives before divine names.”

For instance, traditionally the word Babel (Babylon) stands instead of the next words:

Ba, Bau, Babu, Babili, Babilu, Ka-, Kaka, Gaga, Din-, Dinkir, Ka-dinger-raki, Bábil, Pápil, Apal, Abali, Pápiili, pápiili(ir-ra), Bábiŕu, Bábiŕuš, Bábiŕuaw, Bábiŕuv(w)iya, bábiliki, báwiliki, etc.

In other words, the scholars, at the translation of ancient Near East scripts, have replaced and demonstrated these words with Bable or Babylon.

In Bible Discovered: Bible = Babel (Babylon), I gathered together these, from the decipherment of the cuneiform scripts, which are demonstrated by great researchers like W. Hinz, Rykle Borger, JA. Brinkman. M.J. Steve and others in the field of ancient Near East Civilization.

Except Din “religion” and Dingir, Dinkir “origin of the word cardinal, religious profession”, the rest of these names mean “father, papal, fatherly, patriarch or patriarchally”; that is clear in present Kurdish.

Dinger or dinker is identified as determinative before God’s name and stands also for the word Babylon (above). It is true according to Kurdish that ká dingirraki “fatherly religious-ministry” = Bábiliki “papally-ministry, patriarchal-ship, fathership” as a social system. But ká dingirraki cannot be replaced with Bábiliki (Babylon), as it happened. Bábiliki and ká-dingirraki in no sense indicate Babylon (land, country).

Indeed, it is well known in adopted available information and educational sources in dictionaries and in the Encyclopedias that Babel (Babylon) means “Gate of Gods” and the holy Bible has been described as: [Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin biblia, from Greek, pl. of biblion, book, diminutive of biblos, papyrus, papyrus, pa.py.rus.es or pa.py.ri (-r) "papyrus, book, from Bublos, Byblos". [Middle English papirus, from Latin paprus, from Greek papros], plural of biblion book, diminutive of biblos papyrus, from Bublos Phoenician port from which Greece obtained Egyptian papyrus]. Apocrypha (Books of the Bible). (Collins English Dictionary -Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003.)

It is clear now that the “biblia, pl. biblion, biblos, papyrus, papyruses or papyri (-r), Bublos, Byblos” are certainly derived from the ancient Near East, the Kurdish pa, ba, baw or bab. Compare the holy Bible to Bábil, Pápil, Apal which mean “papal, fatherly, patriarchal”; Compare papyrus to Bábiŕu, Bábiŕuš, Bábiŕuaw, Bábiŕuv(w)iya “in the manner of father, patriarchally, fatherly” and compare papyri(-r) to Pápiili, pápiili(ir-ra) “papally, patriarchally, fatherly”. Compare the English biblically to bábiliki, báwiliki “patriarchally”; compare the Apo-crypha to “Ápú-, fatherly-books”.

Despite all speculations concern the name holy Bible, it is clear now that the Bible certainly has a more ancient root, the ancient Near East Babil (patriarchal). Compare the holy name Bible to Bábil, Pápil, Apal, Abali; which mean “papal, fatherly”. Accordingly it is clear how the Bible-scriptures stand for “patriarchal-books”and nothing else. See Bible Discovered (Note 5) Pictographs for Ba, Bau, Babu, Babili, Babilu, Ka, Din, Dingir and (Note 6) Inconsistency between pictographs for Babylon.

The Biblical Noah might be identified to ancient Near East Nah, Nahhu “the nah”, and Nahunda “objective, the Nah concerns”, which at the accepted decipherments has been identified as the Elams Sun God Nahhunte in Akkad.

The biblical Deluge, the flood story of Noah is the reason behind the name Euphrates River. The variants ancient names for the Euphrates River “(U)frahat, (U)prhat, (U)áma, etc.” are Kurdish words for “deluge, (water)-flood”, which are clearly dedicated to the Biblical deluge, the water flood of Noah.

According to Kurdish, the Biblical Šam son of Noah should be identified to Nabu-shuma “the prophet Šum, Šám”. The ancient Near East tekst Mâr-bîti-shumi-bni which is falsely demonstrated as Mâr-bîti-shum-ibni, might mean “descent of house of Šum”. That is the biblical Šám son of Noah and identical to the state Šám, Šum (the contemporary Syrian capital Damascus and contemporary Syria-Lebanon plateau), which is dedicated to the eponymous ancestor Šum of Noah. Mâr-bîti means “house member(s)”.”

The Kurdish names for Prophet Abraham “Ura and Bela” occur repeatedly in ancient Near East texts, which are the historically reasons behind many dedicated names of regions and patriarchal indications.

The prophet Abraham to be identified in the ancient Near East scripts to napi.ir.úri; according to Kurdish napi.ir.uri means “the prophet Abraham”.

Napi, nabi, nabú “adjectival, naba d.art., mean prophet, from the root nap”. And ura, uri, urám, abráim, bráhím are Kurdish names for Abraham. Very remarkable the Kurdish names for Abram, the Ur variants, have been attested in ancient texts by Borger 331 (182)”

Ur seems to be the root of the word Hebrew. Ura and Abra(m) are the same words, e.g. Kurdish ur “cloud” and Farsi-Arabic loanword abr “cloud”. In this case according to Kurdish Hebrew (Habru, Abru, Uru), adjective plural, means “Abramians, Abrahamians”, which corresponds to the Old Testament story of the Jewish people, Abramians; this is self-evident.”

Ura (Orhay) is the birthplace of Abram and that Nimrud ‘ruled in Erekh, which is Ura, according to Mar Ephraim Súryaya (the Xedr Aliás).

The identification of Ura with Erekh stems from the Biblical passage Erekh, Bible (Gen. 10:10)

“The accepted determinatives for a city name are false, I have proved that repeatedly in the Bible Discovered. Consequently the biblical claim that “Nimrud ruled in Erekh (Ark), which is Ura” is true. The Erekh to be understood as the remained citadel ruins of the Court of Nimrud in the city Ura, Ŕuhá.”

The Bronzes inscriptions from Luuŕsu (treated in the book) prove a single unified culture and diversity in monoculture from Dáĺeki, Húzsu to Bábiliki and the patriarchal divisions.

Dáĺegi is the indigenous name of the present Bushehr (Southeastern Iran). Dáĺegi or Dáĺeki means “motherhood matriarchally, matriarchalism”. Húzsu is the indigenous name of the contemporary Ahwaz in Iran. Húzsu means “multi-party, multiculturalism”. Bábiliki, Báwilaki, Báwĺai stand for Babel (the corrupted Babylon in contemporary Iraq) means “fatherhood, patriarchally, patriarchalism”. Abla (Ebla), Apla, Apú “father, patriarch” is the proper indigenous name of the corrupt Arabized Al-eppo in Syria. The Kurdish patriarchal divisions regard the Ezidian, Jewish and Christian. The Islam is based on the early Kurdish multicultural tradition the Ezidianism, early Judaism and early Christianity.

6) What is this Institute Elamirkan?

Institute Elamirkan is an independent research and educational institution; I established it in 2001 in the Netherlands (registered KVK-number 27199183). Institute Elamirkan replaced the former Kurdish Mirkan Association which was established in 1994 in The Hague Netherlands.

The name Elamirkan is abbreviated of Elam Mirkan which designates cultural heritage of the ancient Kurds. The discovery began with the Elam and Elamite scriptions that are the reason behind the name Elamirkan. But in the course of the research became obvious that not only Elamite, all ancient Near Eastern scriptions (excavated in ancient Kurdish territories) are scribed in Kurdish tribal languages.

I realized, for the first time, that the contemporary accepted interpretations of ancient Near East scriptions are not correct, consequently the scholars have a wrong understanding of the early human civilizations, languages and history. The institutes and museums, consciously or unconsciously, provide the world public and the scientific circuits with wrong information about early human civilizations and ethnography. Many of the historically observed facts behind the conventional scientific wisdom about the early human civilizations are hoaxes. By not taking the time to correct the wrongs, the modern scholars are continuing to falsify ancient documents, and mislead public opinion by providing them with wrong information.

To stop the continuing falsification of ancient Near Eastern historical documents, I call for a serious re-evaluation of what is being put out in academic works and to the public about ancient Near East.

The Institute Elamirkan tries to correct and reinterpret the ancient Near Eastern ethnologies, history and languages. By means of research come to a justifying interpretation of the ancient Near Eastern civilization, where the proof can be given on historical, ethnological, and etymological grounds and is backed up by the cultural relationships between the ancient Near Eastern and European language families in many areas. The Kurdish language and oral traditions play the key role in this discovery.

7) Symbols- why are they important in the big scheme of things?

The cross symbol images on the cover of the Bible Discovered date from 4000 BC.

The wrong assessments of ancient Near East also betray historians, sociologists and philosophers

Philosophy and conceptual religion did not begin with the foundation of the Greek philosophy or the raising of the Chinese or Indic religion, around the sixth century before Christ.

There are archaeological evidences for philosophy and conceptual religion in ancient Near East from at least 4000 before Christ in Kurdish.

America’s premier sociologist, Robert Bellah in a recent book, “Religion in Human Evolution” tries to identify when religion emerged and how it changed through the centuries.

He ends with the Axial Age of the sixth century before Christ, focusing on ancient India, Israel, Greece and China.

Bellah identifies three stages: enactive, symbolic and conceptual. Basic rituals are part of the first, then myth and legend, and finally ethical and theological reasoning. The conceptual stage is one related to the Axial Age, roughly around the sixth century BC, when Plato and other thinkers founded Greek philosophy and the Buddha and other teachers raised Indic religion to a whole new conceptual level, according to Bellah.

From a Kurdish perspective in the book Bible Discovered, I made it clear that the modern sociology and philosophy are based on wrong assessments concern the early culture, history and ethnography of the mankind.

The very notion of the Axial, conceptual stage did not begin with the foundation of the Greek philosophy or the raising of the Chinese or Indic religion, around the sixth century before Christ.

The world’s most influential philosophies were founded at least 4000 before Christ in the ancient Near East in Kurdish language. The Axial symbols (Coptic Cross and Maltese Cross ) in the sense of “religious profession and act, mass, mission” occur on ancient Kurdish care bowls and dishes from 4000 BC; see the cover of Bible Discovered and pg. 104-105; also see under Din-ger-ki, Din-ker-ki, Ul-maš-ki.

The ancient Near East cuneiform sign (maš) means “act, mass, mission”.

The ancient Near East axis, axial, cuneiform sign (dinger, dinker) means “religious profession, cardinal”; from the root din “religion” and ger, ker “create, creator”. So din-ker is the origin of the word car-din-al “religious profession”.

These also make assured that the contemporary assumption – the origins of religious profession date from the time when Christians were recognized in the Church as followers after perfection in the practice of religious life, – is not real and should be corrected in: “the origins of religious profession date from the holy ancient Kurdish time when believers were recognized in the Kerk (Church) as followers after perfection in the practice of religious life.”

8)Who should read this book? Why?

Written for those interested in human history, culture and religion, who are seeking to broaden their understanding of the language, culture, and accomplishments of the ancient people.

Bible Discovered is meant for scholars and serious students of the ancient Near East civilizations and the Biblical archaeology.

Archaeologically, anthropologically, cultural, and linguistically the book is a fascinating, if controversial, counterclaim to accepted doctrines. The book presents a wealth of information for readers to examine. It is filled with unique information as it provides a realistic and ample amount of understanding of the ancient sources of human civilization.

With the further deepening and expanding of the research on subjects which have been discussed in my work, I have enjoyed more and more success in finding scientific proofs and sources for my statements. Those have led to new revelations, which I hope to share with readers along this journey of discovery in the Bible Discovered: Bible = Babel (Babylon). I call for a serious re-evaluation of what is being put out in academic works and to the public about ancient Near East.

9) Why do you consider this book to be important?

Many of the historically observed facts behind the conventional scientific wisdom about the early human civilizations are hoaxes.

The statements which have become conventional scientific wisdom and public opinion in the name of linguistic, historical and ethnological sciences are inadequate and deceptive.

The well-known ancient Near Eastern civilizations Elam, Babylon, Sumer, Akkad, Hittite, Assyria etc., were not countries or country-languages.

The ancient languages which are unjustly by the European experts called as Elamite, Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Hittitian, Assyrian, Syriac, Persian etc. cannot stand, since the texts are clearly written in the Kurdish myriad languages and the Babylon, Sumer and Akkad were not countries or country-languages, but patriarchal social systems.

The scientific legitimacy of the division of the languages to Indo-European and Semitic fall at all since the Indo-European related words are rooted in ancient Near East which are more ancient than Sanskrit. And the Semitic languages cannot stand since these languages are more ancient than the Sam. Sam the eponymous ancestor of the Semitic is to be identified in the ancient texts as a Kurdish descendent, thus.

The Table of Nations and the Genealogy of Mankind

The Biblical Noah and his house descendants occur repeatedly in the ancient Near East texts. The listed children of Naoh, the descendants of house of Noah in the bible Genesis 10, cannot be taken as the Table of Nations neither as the Genealogy of Mankind. The chronological bible Genesis indicates only the local Kurdish ethnic groups, identical with the present name of many contiguous Kurdish ethnics and their issued regions.

11) Where can interested scholars get a copy of your book?

“Bible Discovered: Bible = Babel (Babylon)” is available for sale internationally paperback and kindle edition online at Amazon and other channels.

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