
Biography Hamíit Qliji Bérai

From 1994 until now, I have dedicated my whole time to intensively researching the sources of our knowledge of humanity, from the earliest times until the rise of Islam. This unpaid and unconventional research takes a different approach, based on scientific excellence from a Kurdish perspective, that crosses disciplinary boundaries and introduces an unconventional and innovative approach. From this research, it has become clear that the present education system, regarding the humanities, rests upon swindles and false sources, which were adopted by the Romans.

According to the constructional false world of the Romans, it was necessary to counterfeit the ancient Greek too and fabricate a fake account for Alexander the Great. 

At the present establishment, there is no properly adopted information about the most ancient records available to the experts. All those competent experts who interpret archaeological materials and decipher cuneiform and ancient biblical texts follow the same establishment sample and accepted etymology that they have traditionally been taught. Their established system is false, as became clear from this research. 

Experts in ancient Near Eastern studies are not native speakers of the inscriptions, and they are not familiar with Kurdish. Kurdish languages are yet unknown to the academic world. All cuneiform inscriptions and the original Bible are in Kurdish. The biblical cross signs are pre-cuneiform cultural symbols on artifacts. E.g., the Christian cross symbol in cuneiform scripts is maš. Maš in Kurdish means mass, act, mission. The cardinal sign is the six-pointed star, which in cuneiform script is dinger, dinker, which means cardinal according to Kurdish. Din.ger or din.ker =, meaning lawgiver, legislator, legislative. The experts agree that proto-ancient matriarchal images and cultural symbols on artefacts date back to about 40 thousand BC, since culture does not arise in one day.

My research has led to an adequate understanding of the ancient sources, which provides the proper knowledge and information sources for the academic world.

As they say, there are an estimated two million cuneiform pieces in existence. It is crucial to decipher ancient texts and archaeological materials in a justified manner. 

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