Book Description

Second Edition

In the second edition the title is updated, contents are structurally changed and the number of pages has increased from 350 to 400 pages.
Book Details
Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace (October 4, 2011) Second Edition August 26, 2013 
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1466316187
ISBN-13: 978-1466316188
Dimensions: 10 x 7 x 0.7 inches
Categories: Social Science / Archaeology and Language / Etymology 
Bérai has researched and studied the discovery of the Bible for more than a decade. The results have has shown a vastly different ancient Near East. The culture and history thrust upon society about the early human civilization is inadequate and deceptive.

Many of the historically observed facts behind the conventional scientific wisdom about the early human civilizations are hoaxes, the statements which have become conventional scientific wisdom and public opinion in the name of linguistic, historical and ethnological sciences.

The institutes and museums consciously or unconsciously provide still the world public and the scientific circuits with wrong information about early human civilizations, ethnography and the bible.
Bible (patriarchal books) is derived not from the Greeks, but from the ancient Near East Babel (Babylon). The supposed Greeks words for Bible are ‎known ancient Near East names, which in the translations, have been replaced with the word Babel in accordance to the accepted etymologies.

The Babel does not mean "gate" as one has supposed, but means "fatherly, patriarchal" since the customized form Babel (Babylon) stands for different names, which are well known Kurdish names for father, fatherly.

Bible was not the intention of my research (said Bérai) but in the course of the search I realized and for the first time, concrete traces of many of the bible stories in the archaeological texts and identified the biblical roots, figures, terms and some Christian traditions and symbols.

The by the modern scholars identified determinatives for identification of names of the Gods, countries and cities are false.Elam, Babylon, Sumer, Akkad, Hittite, Assyria etc were not lands or country-languages.

The by the scholars called languages Elamite, Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Hittitian, Assyrian, Syriac, Persian etc., did not exist. Those texts are clearly written in the Kurdish myriad languages.

The scientific legitimacy of the division of the languages to Indo-European and Semitic fall at all, in this book has been proven that the Indo-European familiar languages are rooted in ancient Near East.

The Semitic languages cannot exist, since these languages are more ancient than the Sam. Sam the eponymous ancestor of the Semitic is to be identified in the ancient texts as a Kurdish descent.

The scholars still do not count the fact of the indigenous people, the Kurdish language and traditions of the sites, where the ancient sources come from. In their assessing they count only the knowledge, which is invented by them or adopted according to their code.

At decipherment of the ancient Near East scripts, which are the scientific sources of our knowledge, the texts have been fixed to a spurious construction by which a pictograph necessarily must be read occasionally as different words in order to obtain the prejudiced composition and meaning of the accepted etymology. So, where the fact has contradicted their theory, they have modified the fact and not their theory.

This book takes a different approach, a multidisciplinary scientific approach from the perspective Kurdish oral traditions. Bible Discovered is fascinating, if controversial, counterclaim to accepted doctrine, presents an adequate understanding of the ancient sources of human civilization.

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  1. her bijî keko zehmetên te kişandî gelek bi rumetin.

  2. I have read the “Bible Discovered” three times. This book presents unique information that have never been published neither edited before!
    Without reading this book, no one can imagine how the established institutions, in the name of science, fool the world for centuries.
    Especially the Kurds, without reading this book you cannot understand who are the Kurds? What is happened and still what is going on to you?
